

Tutón tykač je so dnja 7. měrca 2024 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Tute zawrjenje je nachwilne, čaka so na dospołne přepruwowanje.


20. oktobra 2022
Really easy to use and works flawlessly. After trying various plugins I finally found a really good one, simple and very easy to use. Thank you for creating this plugin and hope that this plugin will continue to be developed and become one of the default plugins for wordpress
27. julija 2022 13 replies
After testing under PHP 8.0 & WP 6.0.1 – i've got some errors and warnings in the backend, when i visit the 'Analytics Overview' and 'Analytics Report'. It still works by the way. If i switch back to php 7.4.1 the errors & warnings are gone. Thanks again for this great plugin!
14. decembra 2019
Missing impressions when using iframe-ads. Would be nice to be able to see the impressions (number of times the iframe is loaded).
13. decembra 2019
This is a plugin that reliably does what it promises in a straightforward way. Plus the author provides a real five star support: before I even could try out his workaround for a question I had, it was turned into a new feature in a plugin update, all this within less than 24 hours. Wow! I don't have the slightest need to try out any other banner plugin. Thanks a bunch!
8. februara 2019
Best plugin for add banners. I've used it on my website and it has options that others don't have. Also it's optimized and compatible with the latest versions of Wordpress
Čitajće 10 pohódnoćenjow

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