Wb Sticky Notes


Sticky notes will create beautiful sticky notes inside your wordpress admin. Similar to your desktop sticky notes.


  1. Similar to desktop sticky notes
  2. Easy to use Jquery interface
  3. Different themes & fonts
  4. Resizable and Movable
  5. Hide when not in use
  6. Option to duplicate current note
  7. Option to archive the notes

Our other free solutions

  1. Custom Product Tabs For WooCommerce
  2. Wb Mail Logger

Fota wobrazowki

  • Settings page
  • Opened notes
  • Notes archive page


  1. In your WordPress admin panel, got to Plugins -> New Plugin, search for „Wb Sticky Notes“ and click install now.
  2. Activate the plugin


How can I create a new note?

Any page of admin dashboard. You can find a menu named Sticky notes on top bar. There will be an option to create new notes.

Is the notes are minimizable?

Yes. But not individually. You can see the option to hide/show notes under Sticky notes menu on Admin top bar.

Can I change the color theme of a note?

Yes. Each note has its own menu on top left corner to customize.

Is the notes are resizable?


Is the notes are movable?

Yes. Click and drag on the note’s head to move.


18. januara 2023
Well i was searching for a notes plugin for the dashboard and came to this plugin which is even better than what i was searching for! Nice i really like how it works... show it anywhere, or hide it 🙂 Perfect, im gonna recommend it to my colleagues too
2. meje 2021
This simple-to-use plugin is great! It is a no-frills plugin with color and font options for your notes in the back-end of WP sites. We are GREATLY PLEASED! Thank you so much!
28. decembra 2020 1 reply
I'm wondering why this plugin still doesn't have a lot of 5 stars. This is the best plugin you can imagine if you need to add sticky notes in the backend. Wb Sticky Notes has exactly the options you need to add sticky notes in the backend, no one more, no one less. Absolutely perfect. Really thank you for creating this wonderful plugin!
Čitajće 5 pohódnoćenjow

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Protokol změnow


  • Tested OK with WordPress 6.4
  • [Add] Option to limit the usage based on user roles


  • Tested OK with WordPress 6.3
  • Tested OK with PHP 8.2


  • Tested OK with WordPress 6.2


  • Tested OK with WordPress 6.1.1
  • New colour theme added (Grey)


  • [Add] New option to archive the notes
  • Tested OK with WordPress 6.0.1


  • [Bug fix] Undefined variable $state


  • [Bug fix] Positioning issue in WooCommerce product edit pages. Thanks @imborx for pointing out the bug.


  • Tested OK with WordPress 5.9


  • Tested OK with WordPress 5.8


  • Tested OK with WordPress 5.7


  • Tested OK with WordPress 5.6


  • Tested OK with WordPress 5.5
  • New colour theme added (Orange)


  • Tested OK with WordPress 5.4


  • Tested OK with WordPress 5.3


  • Added system default font to font list for more readability


  • Initial Version