Use blocks, and, optionally, „short-form“ post types to easily „IndieWebify“ your WordPress site.
IndieBlocks registers several blocks (Bookmark, Like, Reply, and Repost, as well as the older Context block) that take a URL and output corresponding microformatted HTML.
In combination with a microformats-compatible theme, these help ensure microformats clients are able to determine a post’s type.
It also comes with „short-form“ (Note and Like) custom post types, and a (somewhat experimental) option to add microformats to (all!) block-based themes.
These microformats, in combination with the Webmention protocol, allow for rich cross-site conversations. IndieBlocks comes with its own Webmention implementation, but a separate plugin can be used, too.
IndieBlocks also registers several „theme“ blocks (Facepile, Location, Syndication, and Link Preview), to be used in „block theme“ templates.
Tutón tykač 10 blokow skići.
- Location Display a post’s location and weather metadata.
- Context
- Link Preview Highlight a post’s first hyperlink with a link preview card.
- Facepile Contains the blocks to display Webmention “likes,” “reposts,” etc. as a so-called facepile.
- Like Show your appreciation for a certain web page or post.
- Repost Use the Repost block to “reblog” another (short) post verbatim while still giving credit.
- Syndication Display syndication links.
- Reply Reply to others’ (or your own) posts and pages.
- Facepile Content Outputs the actual “facepile” avatars.
- Bookmark Bookmark and annotate web pages or posts.
Upload this plugin’s ZIP file via the Plugins > Add New > „Upload Plugin“ button.
After activation, head over to Settings > IndieBlocks, and enable or disable its different features.
More details can be found on https://indieblocks.xyz/. Issues may be filed at https://github.com/janboddez/indieblocks.
How does this plugin interact with the various other IndieWeb plugins?
While IndieBlocks does not depend on any other plugin, it is compatible with, and extends, the Micropub plugin for WordPress. See https://indieblocks.xyz/documentation/micropub-and-indieauth/ for some more information.
IndieBlocks’ Facepile and Syndication blocks also aim to be compatible with, respectively, the Webmention and Syndication Links plugins.
Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„IndieBlocks“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
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Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
Minor bug fixes. Improved „Facepile“ compatibility (with the ActivityPub plugin).
Improve Gutenberg compatibility of Location and Webmention „meta boxes.“ Add Syndication block prefix and suffix attributes. Support „update“ and „delete“ webmentions even after mentions are closed. Add avatar proxy option.
Improve comment mentions, remove margin „below“ hidden note and like titles.
Improve avatar deletion, add meta box for outgoing „comment mentions,“ hide meta boxes if empty.
Send webmentions also for comments, to mentioned sites and the comment parent, if it exists and itself originated as a webmention.
Fix Webmention backlinks in Facepile block, add avatar background and icon color pickers.
Overhaul theme microformats functionality.
Fix issue with saving meta from block editor. Fix Markdown in Micropub notes.
Various bug fixes. Add Link Preview block. Also, webmentions are now closed when comments are, although this behavior is filterable.
Add Location block. The Facepile block now supports v5.0 and up of the Webmention plugin.
Store temperatures in Kelvin rather than degrees Celsius. Update masterminds/html5
to version 2.8.0. Add Location block.
„Facepile“ likes, bookmarks, and reposts.
Add Bookmark, Like, Reply and Repost blocks. Additional title options.
Add indieblocks/syndication-links
Minor bug fix, new plugin URL.
Fix rescheduling of webmentions from the classic editor.
Webmention tweaks.
Slight block changes. Bug fixes, and basic Webmention support.
Slightly improved „empty“ URL handling, and permalink flushing. Additional CPT, feed and Micropub options. Date-based CPT archives, and basic location functions.