Yumpu E-Paper publishing


The YUMPU WordPress Plugin enables you to upload any PDF you want to your website and then converts it into an online readable

The E-Paper can be inserted into your posts and pages via shortcodes.

Your visitors can read your publications, without having to download the whole document anymore.

No installation of any browser-plugins is necessary.

Fota wobrazowki

  • Example E-Paper on our own Blog. You can see the examples here: https://en.blog.yumpu.com/pdf-wordpress-plugin/


  1. Download and activate the plugin in WordPress (in the Plugins menu)
  2. Go to „Settings“ –> „YUMPU PDF Settings“
  3. Insert your YUMPU API Token (read here how to get it: https://helpcenter.yumpu.com/en/articles/1101967-api-token)
  4. Go to the menu point „YUMPU“, upload your PDF’s and insert the generated shortcodes into your posts or pages


Do I need a YUMPU account?


Do the magazines which I upload in WordPress get uploaded to my YUMPU Account too?



23. awgusta 2021
No response from author to critical error, by several support tickets. Plugin does not work. Do not waste time. It is dead.
27. meje 2020
You are forced into signing up to a trial and then they charge your account after you have deleted the useless plugin and forgotten they exist. Developer website does not allow you to cancel your account, citing an error message. Complete fraudsters. Do not download this plugin!
3. apryla 2020
You need a paid account to use this. Misleading to say you only need a free account.
24. februara 2020
Plugin description says required Yumpu account is free, but on entering API key from this free account get the error message „To use this feature, you must be a paid user“ This seems misleading to me.
28. decembra 2019
Since months it doesn’t work. No answers, no support. All work and all words gone with the wind…
29. junija 2019
I uploaded a Pdf on yumpu.com, apparently successfully. It was only during the upload process that I learned of the adverts to be put on the ePaper in the free version. I got the API and it was accepted by the WordPress plugin. However, the plugin did not list my Pdf from yumpu.com. I uploaded the same Pdf directly into the plugin, but it still did not list anything. I went to delete my yumpu.com account, but could not find a route to do so because it demanded a password, and I had signed up via Google and I so had never set a password. The yumpu.com profile change-password option demands the old password first, even though I am logged in. The login password reset email’s link simply goes to the yumpu.com home page, so I cannot set a password. Ah, that is while I am logged in! It does invite a new password if I open the email’s link in a private browser window… that’s a fail. Even now, with a password set, the delete-profile option fails: „Ooh no, something went wrong !“. How can I delete my yumpu profile?
Čitajće 25 pohódnoćenjow

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Protokol změnow


  • Initial release