This plugin adds functionality to set number of times a user can see content of unit
Tutorial On how to setup and get started : link
More Information
Visit the VibeThemes for documentation, support, and information on getting involved in the project.
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit ‚Plugins > Add New‘
- Search for ‚WPLMS Unit Access Addon‘
- Activate WPLMS Unit Access Addon from your Plugins page.
From WordPress.org
- Download WPLMS Unit Access Addon.
- Upload the ‚wplms-unit-access-addon‘ directory to your ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
- Activate WPLMS Unit Access Addon from your Plugins page.
Once Activated
- After installing this plugin you will see a setting for number of times user can view the unit in unit settings .
- User can only view/load unit the number of times you ste in unit settings .
Where can I report a bug?
Report bugs, suggest ideas, and participate in development at VibeThemes.
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Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„WPLMS Unit Access Addon“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
SobuskutkowarjoPřełožće „WPLMS Unit Access Addon“ do swojeje rěče.
Na wuwiću zajimowany?
Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.
Protokol změnow
1.1 – Nov 4 2022
- Compatibility with PHP 8.1
- Compatibility with WP 6.1