WPF Product Countdown Timer plugin helps you display for single product page.
- Fullly responsive
- Enable/disable
- Choose the time and date from the visual calendar
- Allow setting separate time & date range
- Enable/disable product sold progress bar
- Add progress bar of the product sold in single page
- Add product sold progress product archive page
- Add countdown timer product archive page
- Please make sure that you installed WooCommerce
- Go to plugins in your dashboard and select “Add New”
- Search for “WPF Product Countdown Timer”, Install & Activate it
- When adding/editing the product you can choose the “Countdown Timer” tab then add action & time conditional
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Protokol změnow
- Compatible with wordpress 6.4.3 *
- Add progress bar of the product sold in single page *
- Add product sold progress product archive page *
- Add countdown timer product archive page *