

Tutón tykač je so dnja 21. julija 2023 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Wěstotny problem.


27. awgusta 2022
Thanks for this plugin, I tried some which were not really working in the end, but this one is easy to use and successful in creating the rich data. I am only worrying whether it is still maintained - I keep my fingers crossed. And hoping for some more schema.org types!
25. meje 2020
It's a very simple and easy-to-use, great plugin. Thank the author so much.
5. měrca 2020
I have become so frustrated with trying to figure out so many other plugins for Schema JSONLD. This is nice. Right away out of the gate you see what you need, and it works.
17. awgusta 2019
After trying lots of different schema plugins this is the only one that reliably outputted the schema data on my site. For some reason, the others weren't working well with the Divi theme. For a novice, the plugin is very easy to use and configure. Probably the easiest out of all i tried, and you have the option to only output the data you want. Google shows no errors when i verify the schema, so all appears to be working correctly. Thanks very much to plugin author, and i hope you continue to update this plugin! Many users are depending on you 😉
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