WP Simple Menu Icons provides an easy way to add icons to your WordPress powered navigation menus with the help of Font Awesome.
For usage instructions please refer to the FAQ section below.
Minimum Requirements
- PHP version 7.2 or greater is required.
Which Icons sets are supported?
At the moment only Font Awesome is supported. We plan to add support for more sets in the future.
How do I add icons?
Navigate to Appearance
Menus in your WordPress admin panel and select the menu you wish to add icons to.- Click on the menu item for which you wish to add an icon.
- Once the settings are expanded, click on the „Setup icon“ button.
- A window will open allowing you to select the icon.
- Once you’ve selected the icon and configured it’s settings, press the „Save“ button.
- After you’ve configured all icons, remember to save your menu by clicking the „Save menu“ button.
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