Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Mastodon Auto Share


Publish your posts on your Mastodon’s instance.

Fota wobrazowki


Go to the configuration page, set your Mastodon instance url and other parameters.
Click on button save.
That’s all 😉


17. měrca 2023
Works nicely, but I have found that if you save/update your post in Text view, the toot that goes out says "Post loading, please wait...". To toot properly, the post needs to be in Visual view. Also, while the plugin knows not to toot before a scheduled time, it re-toots every time a published post is updated.
28. decembra 2022
This works well but there are a few things that I think could make it better. Have an option to disable tooting on editing/updating. I don't want an article re-posting by default when I fix a typo. Yes, I can untick the box but I think that should be 'off' for existing posts and only 'ticked' for new posts by default. Ability to add more than one account - I know this is pretty niche but it would be a useful feature as I sometimes need to post to a couple of different accounts. The option to select accounts per post too The ability to use Categories as hashtags in the post (as well as tags) Have the option of NOT attaching the image and, instead, using the built in Preview Cards of Mastdon to use the details from the website (for title, website name, preview image etc) - to me, clicking an image on a post should open the link and not the image.
18. meje 2018
Thanks for this plugin. It does exactly what I need. Would like to request some features: -- Posts published before plugin installation could be marked as already tooted, otherwise every time we need to fix an old post, it gets tooted. -- Option to change toot to public, private or unlisted on each post. -- Option to post the "content before the more tag" as an alternative to "excerpt". Thanks again!
3. meje 2018
Suggestions: Is there any chance to disable auto-tooting after every update of already published posts and pages? The "Toot on Mastodon" checkbox is always ON even after the post is published. Also, it will be great if there is a checkbox "Disable auto-sharing for pages" in the plugin configuration.
5. měrca 2018 1 reply
Also works with framapiaf.org, the framasoft instance. Nice plugin to spread mastodon with your posts. For future version, I will request the integration of pictures, and the memorisation of the last pouet (if edited). Super extension pour arroser mastodon avec vos billets. Pour les prochaines versions, j'aimerai bien pouvoir inclure une ou plusieurs images et avoir de mémoriser avec le billet, le dernier pouet envoyé.
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„Mastodon Auto Share“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


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Na wuwiću zajimowany?

Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.

Protokol změnow


  • Fix deprecated javascripts
  • Fix toot auto truncation
  • Fix characters counter
  • Fix draft publish bug


  • Add Scheduled post support
  • Memory optimization


* Add disconnect feature


  • Fix some bugs for IE and Firefox
  • Easier authenticate method


  • Fix permalink bug on toot editor


  • Add toot editor
  • Fix the splitted words bug


  • Add thumbnail support on Mastodon Toot
  • Fix access token lifetime bug


  • Move the configuration menu in settings


  • First stable public version