

Tutón tykač je so dnja 27. apryla 2022 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Wěstotny problem.


9. februara 2021
I have posted 2 times in the last few months to the support forum and gotten no reply. In fact no one has gotten any replies in about a year. I would say that with support like the company is either gone, or will soon be gone. Its a shame because the product itself had a lot of potential.
8. nowembra 2020
Thank you for making this plugin and avail for free. I am looking for such a plugin and then I showed this plugin video. I am using this video now. I had added my currency INR from setting options.
31. meje 2020
Great work there. I am able to send and track payments in different languages and currencies. I upgraded my website to work under https and stripe works too! I can see you're quite busy lately, and would like to help out whenever I get a few minutes to do so! I LOVE THE PRODUCT!
5. apryla 2020
I use WP-Invoice to allow credit card payments via Stripe on my site. I’m aware that stronger authentication rules are coming into force in the UK, and I’ve received emails from Stripe asking me to upgrade to be able to allow 2-factor authentication. However, I don’t see any recent update from WP-Invoice to tie in with this change. Is integration with SCA/2-factor authentication already available in WP-Invoice, or is an upgrade going to be available soon? Thanks, Ranjit
4. septembra 2019
hi Normally this app is for the store , And the best store plugins right now are woocommerce Now if your plugin sync with woocommerce plugin very very good for example choice of product and currency unit and country local payment system choice and attach invoice pdf when send notification mail. If the above items are included in the plugin , It will be very beautiful. thanks
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