

Tutón tykač je so dnja 23. februara 2024 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Tute zawrjenje je na přeco.


14. septembra 2023
The business model of taking over useful open-source software and rewriting it as SEO spam needs to fail everywhere, but particularly for people trying to comply with privacy laws. Get it out of the plugins repo ASAP wordpress.
4. měrca 2023
Maybe you should look the word "free" up in your dictionary.
13. oktobra 2022
Free in the title. Bad UX overall, incomprehensive and only trying to nudge you to sign up and pay for something. Completely unnecessary too.
18. meje 2022
Wow... this plugin used to be a very good and straight forward tool to cover the GDPR topic. After this plugin has been taken over they turned it into an advertising tool and for some reason just inject a bunch of crap in your WP sites. And if you don't register to their newsletter, this plugin goes inactive without any notification. This is unacceptable. Just why would you be like this...
18. meje 2022
This is a perfect example how not to take over a plugin... It used to work when it was owned by Van Ons. Somehow the new owner thought it was a good idea to disable the plugin for all sites to force the user to register for their newsletter... Worst Danish product ever!
4. meje 2022
I've used this plugin from the beginning. It never was great, but it did what it supposed to do. But since then they've completely restyled everything with links to there own website and even worse they've now disabled the plugin on all my sites until I sign up to their newsletter! Please you're a cookie plugin, you have one job. Stop taking sites hostage just so you can spam us with a your newsletter. For anyone else with this issue: you can download previous versions on the plugin page under "Advanced View", after you've download it change the version number to something really large eg "99999" to prevent the plugin from updating.
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