This plugin displays cross sales in WP e-Commerce. It provides the same functionality as in earlier versions of WP e-Commerce plus a little bit more.
Doesn’t do anything yet but will replace the current WP e-Commerce ‚also bought‘ functionality in version 3.9+
New features include:
- Option to set cross sale image sizes.
- Remove hardcoded styling so it’s easier to style via css.
- Improved code structure.
PS: You’ll obviously need WP e-Commerce installed for this to do anything 😉
Upload the plugin and activate it.
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„WP e-Commerce Cross Sales (Also Bought)“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
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Protokol změnow
- Update cross_sales() and wpsc_submit_checkout() based on current WPEC code.
- Set default options.
- Don’t use theme file for better compatibility – WPEC doesn’t at the moment. Maybe later.
- Update compatibility messages.
- Output using WP_Query().
- Get also bought products instead of product variations with latest WPEC 3.9 dev.
- Only show admin notice on plugins page if WPEC not installed or older version.
- Require WPEC 3.9+
- Use wpsc_cross_sales() instead of wpsc_also_bought() – although it will still work for the time being.
- Add support for languages (.pot file not populated yet though)
- Added in options to set image size and populate default option values on install.
- Remove hardcoded styling.
- Moved code to being class-based.