

Tutón tykač je so dnja 20. apryla 2022 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Wěstotny problem.


31. awgusta 2020
Hi Over the weekend I have sent out 3 invoices, the first one was viewed and paid but the next two all say they can't view their invoices. Any ideas please? Thanks Rich
14. oktobra 2019
I have had a few challenges on my site, and i have received support above and beyond. I recommend WP-CRM to anyone that is in need of a CRM for their Wordpress site. I'd like to add, that i have a subscription.
7. oktobra 2019
I'm always using stand alone soft for such type of tasks: crm, tickets and etc But this plugin really help me to find wordpress based solution for such work flow tasks management. Thanks!
2. septembra 2019
I was very enthusiastic about the functionalities of this plugin. After installing it I set up a couple of test forms. Seemed to be working ok. But suddenly it started to erase the forms, and did not allow me to create new ones anymore. Of course I deactivated all other plugins (not many) and theme looking for incompatibilities but the problem persisted. The support does not exist (u need to pay usd280 in advance to get some attention). Looked for solutions in the forum and their docs without any luck. The documentation is quite poor too. I also uninstalled and erase the plugin, including some tables that remained in my Db despite the deactivation. To my surprise, after reinstalling it, the plugin kept on showing my old setup and fields! I´m super dissapointed. I´m now having to rush and find another solution for my customer. Shame, but I do not recommend it.
24. februara 2019 1 reply
There is a security issue with this plugin which changes your username to a chinese gambling website and allows a spider in to rewrite your .htaccess file. Do not use it.
9. januara 2018 1 reply
Great plugin, simple and complete. And easy to customize to your needs. I've checked several "crm" plugins out and most of them either have to many options that are not necessary and make it more fragile. Or lack essential tools. With this plugin you pretty much decide. Perfect for client data managment. It does take time to figure it all out, but it's definetly worth it. Which is why I hope this plugin will keep existing with updates. For those struggling with the need of the administrator role to acces settings. I suggest googling a bit more. Just use a plugin like adminize to hide the settings tab for the other users. And use the slugs to synchronize with the wordpress core user fields. This way you can easily combine this plugin with others since most plugins base themselves on the core data if not all. Thanks for the awesome plugin !
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