

Tutón tykač je so dnja 6. oktobra 2022 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Přeńdźenje přećiwo směrnicy.


28. awgusta 2020
I needed a countdown timer for a weekend sale banner and this works great. I was even able to change the size. There are more options if you purchase the pro version but this was enough for me. Thanks!
15. apryla 2018
Great little plugin for adding a simple count-down/count-up clock. Looks good and works. Hopefully some future features might include: ~ Countdown that converts to Countup when clock hits 0 ~ Resetting countdown, like for weekly meeting or yearly anniversary.
8. apryla 2018
Great plugin! Simple and easy to manage. Presents just what you want on the webpage, no extra bs or links.
11. decembra 2017
I am glad I pickup this plugin from a long list of similar plugin. I just need a simple days countdown to a date and this plugin do that prefectly. I am amaze that another user complaint that he was asked to povide personal info. Definitely NOT! Must be dreaming or referring to another plugin. Please be truthful in reviewing - fair is fair. I will use this plugin for 3 months - then deactivate after the target date is reached! Thanks
Čitajće 15 pohódnoćenjow

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