By contracting with PAYGENT, this plugin can introduce major payment methods in Japan to WooCommerce.
Note! : When performing a major or other update from version 1.2 to 2.0 or version 2.1 to 2.2, be sure to check the operation on the staging site before using it in the production environment. We cannot guarantee anything if something goes wrong.
- Credit Payment (include Subscriptions)
- Convenience Store Payment
- Multi Currency Credit Card Payment
- Bank Net Payment
- ATM Payment
- Carrier Payment
- Paidy Payment
Fota wobrazowki
Q: Do I need anything to use this plugin?
A: Just testing in a test environment requires a contract with Paygent. If you want to check the display, we provide a demo environment. Please apply from here.
Q: I don’t know how to set up. Can you support me?
A: We support with paid support. Please use from here if necessary.
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Protokol změnow
2.3.2 – 2024-08-02
- Fixed – Credit Card Payment bug for 3DS 2.0.
- Dev – card holder name input for 3DS 2.0.
- Dev – No EMV 3DS Card accept.
- Dev – Automatic delete Epired card data.
2.3.0 – 2023-11-27
- Fixed – Stored Credit Card bug for 3DS2.0.
- Fixed – Payment Credit Card bug for 3DS2.0.
- Fixed – Endpoint Credit Card bug.
- Dev – Implementation of carrier payment subscription.