

Tutón tykač je so dnja 27. julija 2023 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Wěstotny problem.


23. nowembra 2017
I use this to send out SMS messages for free. What I have done is to send email to specific account on my linux server. From there it gets processed by two scripts which sends the message to the site http://smsgateway.me which then sends the message to my phone and then to the customer. Now it isn't the cleanest SMS messaging solution but it is free. It would have been easier if there was an option to send emails as plain text, but what's one more command in the linux pipeline.
16. julija 2017
Very disappointing. This plugin has so much potential but the authors seem to have just let it go. Too bad.
2. meje 2017 1 reply
Some things appear to have changed, perhaps in relation to the release of WooCommerce ver 3. Be that as it may, the plugin simply does not work any more. Not only does it not send the mail, the records of the messages themselves are not correctly handled on the admin backend. And finally, there is no evidence of any support, either on the wordpress support platform or on the github platform. What a pity.
28. septembra 2016
Thanks for the free plugin. PLease consider adding subscription / membership support. Also need to update the notes for the plugin to advise there is no included header or footer - to fix that follow this: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/no-header-or-footer-2/
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