Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Webglobe Purge Cache


Automatic cache purge when the content is updated. Works only with specialized hosting plans from Webglobe.


  1. Unzip Webglobe Purge Cache plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
  3. Enjoy


What are the requirements?

Hosting plan from Webglobe available on Webglobe.sk.

Do I have to set up the plugin after installation?

No, all it takes is to activate the plugin.

How does this plugin work?

After your publish or update a page or post this plugin creates a list or url’s to purge. For instance if the page is http://www.example.com/about/, the plugin creates a url of http://www.example.com/purge/about/. After creating all the urls to purge, the plugin opens each of the urls. This cleans all cache files a provide fresh content on the page.


Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.

Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo

„Webglobe Purge Cache“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow


  • Added button to purge all cached content


  • Initial Release.