Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Wedepohl Engineering Time Since


Shortcode to return the number of years or days since a certain date.

Usage: [we_time_since y=Y m=M d=D type="T"]

* Y = the year required
* M = the month (1 – 12) – optional Default = 1
* D = the day (1-31) – optional Default = 1
* T = the type („year“, „day“) – optional Default = „year“

The number of years or days since the supplied date or an error message if the date is invalid / no year supplied


I have worked at Wedepohl Engineering for [we_time_since y=1998 m=1 d=1] years

I have been sailing for [we_time_since y=2008 m=4] years

I have been on this journey for [we_time_since y=2020 m=5 d=5 type="day"] days


before_we_time_since - Called upon entry to the shortcode. Passed the array of arguments that are passed to the shortcode.
after_we_time_since - Called just before exit of the function. Passed the processed array of arguments from the shortcode.


we_time_since Called at exit of the function. Passed a string which is the results of the shortcode.

Active Contributors

  • Martin Wedepohl (Development)
  • Instalacija

    1. Upload we-disable-fs folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. Navigate to the plugins admin page
    3. Click the Activate link
    4. That’s all (no further configuration or settings required)


    1. Navigate to the plugins admin page
    2. Click the Add New button
    3. Search for Wedepohl Engineering Time Since
    4. Click the Install Now button
    5. Click the Active button
    6. That’s all (no further configuration or settings required)

    Removal Instructions

    1. Navigate to the plugins admin page
    2. Click the Deactivate link
    3. Click the Delete link
    4. That’s all (plugin doesn’t use the database so there is nothing to cleanup)



    There are none, just activate and use the shortcode


    This plugin doesn’t use the database at all

    Does this work with WordPress blocks

    Yes, just enter the shortcode in the text of a paragraph or heading

    Does this work with ClassicPress

    Yes, there is nothing WordPress specific


    1. Go to Plugin GitHub Page
    2. Create an Issue
    3. I will endevor to resolve issues as soon as time permits


    Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.

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    Protokol změnow


    Feb 15, 2022
    * Tested with WordPress Version 5.9


    Aug 1, 2021
    * Tested with WordPress Version 5.8


    February 5, 2021
    * Tested with WordPress Version 5.6.1


    October 24, 2020
    * Tested with WordPress Version 5.5.1


    June 10, 2020
    * Tested with WordPress Version 5.4.2


    May 15, 2020
    * Initial release