

Tutón tykač je so dnja 19. decembra 2022 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Wěstotny problem.


22. apryla 2022 1 reply
This plugin looked ideal, so I tried the free version. The user instructions are minimal and at first it did not display. That is because I had incorrectly set the start and finish dates and times. Now it displays.
28. februara 2021
This is my first WP plugin review. I felt compelled to come and write one for this perfect product. I tried multiple others before finding this one and the superiority of it is striking. I recommend it to anyone wanting a customisable and easy to use countdown plugin.
29. januara 2021
I LOVE this plugin! It's so simple and intuitive to setup and implement. I needed a way to expire a page and have it redirect, and this plugin does just that! It's very easy to set it up, and I didn't have to read any documentation. It just works the way it should. Love the countdown timer and that I can customize the colors on the page. thanks!
11. decembra 2019
Estupendo!! Por fin algo sencillo y ajustable a las necesidades. GRACIAS!!! Great!! Finally something simple and adjustable to the needs. THANKS!!!
7. oktobra 2018 4 replies
User's Timezone is like the most critical thing and makes this a pointless plugin unless i choose only days and weeks.. and the Pro yearly fee is a bit high for this. I 'd pay for a lifetime usage not the yearly fee or something more reasonable.
Čitajće 37 pohódnoćenjow

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„Waiting: One-click countdowns“ je so do 8 rěčow přełožił. Dźakujemy so přełožowarjam za jich přinoški.

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