Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Visual Developer Custom CSS


Visual Developer is just an awesome way to customize any wordpress powered website, by just using your imagination.
Everything is in front of you, and you can reduce your development time by hours, and probably customize things you’ve never taught possible before.

Everything has been tested and re-tested to make sure you can’t break your website easily, and you can easily revert all the changes with just one click.

Fota wobrazowki

  • screenshot-1.png
  • screenshot-2.png
  • screenshot-3.png
  • screenshot-4.png
  • screenshot-5.png


Installing Visual Developer

  1. Download the Plugin from the provided link in this email.
  2. Open your Website and go to the Administration Panel.
  3. Click „Plugins“ in the Left Menu
  4. Click „Add New“
  5. Click „Upload Plugin“
  6. Upload the Visual Developer ZIP.
  7. Activate The Plugin

Using Visual Developer

  1. Go to the Page you want to Customize.
  2. In the WordPress Toolbar on the Top, you’ll Notice „Toggle Visual Developer“, click it.
  3. Your First Step is to Click „Open“ in the Visual Developer Panel.
  4. Now you can select which Element you want to customize, you’ll do this by clicking it.
  5. You’ll be presented with the „Element Navigation Panel“, you’ll chose how many elements that are alike will have CSS changes applied.
  6. You’ll be presented with the Element Panel, and now you can start „doing your changes“, feel free to Customize your Experience from the Preferences Panel from the Visual Developer Top Bar.


What can I do with this plugin

You can customize anything in your wordpress powered website, using any theme out there you may be using

Can I add background images with this plugin

Yes, you can, there’s an background image css attribute, and it’s been implemented in Visual Developer, even with a few tricks to create special cover photo effects and background paralax illusions.

Can I customize a specific page with this plugin

Yes, there is a page specific option when we detect a post_id


3. septembra 2016
have never seen a plugin so awesome and easy to use as this
3. septembra 2016
After around 15 minutes I've finaly figured it out, and I was able to change the typography of my site really quick, thanks !
Čitajće 3 pohódnoćenja

Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo

„Visual Developer Custom CSS“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow


  1. A better way on how direct element selection works.
  2. Refined a few browser bugs.


  1. Quick access support for more tags, including h5 and h6
  2. Fixed a bug with Quick Access Displaying elements that shouldn’t be there.
  3. WooCommerce Quick Access Support
  4. Improvements on How Quick Access Works


Initial Release.