This plugin aids chat support on your wordpress application, with this plugin, you can conversate with your users more with unique chat sdk.
You should note this plugin interact with our third party web application upon installation.
that is this plugin call Venixs widget once you install and set plugin parameters.
a link to the third party (our website: https://venixs.com) and the privacy policy (https://venixs.com/privacy-policy)
To start interacting with your customers or to aid AI chat support you need to:
Login to your Venixs console dashboard
Navigate to the configuration page
Configure your widget appearance/look.
Save configuration and toggle on Developer Configuration
tab and select ‚Wordpress‘ as plugin choice.
Seemless communication via live chat with either Venixs AI or with you through the SDK
Simple Customization: You can easily add and filter all the necessary information/parameters you need from your customers.
Automated FAQs: Your customers can search for basic stuffs in a form of FAQ
If you have suggestions or a new feature request, feel free to get in touch with venixs via https://venixs.com or shoot us an email at support@venixs.com
You can also follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter (X) on @venixsInc
A Venixs account
Automatic installation is the most convenient option because WordPress handles file transfers, and you don’t have to leave your web browser. Here’s how to do an automatic install of the Venixs SDK WordPress plugin:
Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
Navigate to the Plugins menu and
Click Add New.
Enter „Venixs plugin“ in the search field and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve discovered our chat sdk plugin, you can learn more about it by viewing its point release, rating, and description.
You can install it simply by clicking „Install Now.“
Manual installation entails downloading our chat plugin file and uploading it to your web server using your preferred Ftp server. The WordPress codex has instructions for doing this here. Go ahead and paste the form shortcode on any page or widget.
Automatic updates should work flawlessly; however, ensure you backup your site just in case.
You don’t need to do much to have your favorite chat sdk on your wordpress app, you only need to install and activate the plugin, a new admin sidebar will be added to your adnin area called „Venixs“, you should click on it and navigate to configuration, put in your chat public key and save. Thats all.
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Protokol změnow
- Initial release