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Woocommerce Advanced Product Organizer – Dynamic Sorting & Reordering

Woocommerce Advanced Product Organizer – Dynamic Sorting & Reordering


Take control of your WooCommerce product display with our intuitive drag-and-drop sorting solution. Perfect for store owners who want to optimize their product layouts and enhance customer experience.

🚀 Core Features

Free Version Features:
* Multi-product selection and bulk sorting
* Responsive grid layout system
* Category-based sorting
* Product label organization
* Stock status filtering (in-stock/out-of-stock)
* Price-based sorting
* Support for up to 12 items
* User-friendly interface

Premium Features:
* Unlimited product sorting
* Multi-category sorting capabilities
* Advanced tag-based organization
* Enhanced bulk selection tools
* Priority technical support
* Regular feature updates
* 24/7 customer support
* Annual updates included
* Custom sorting templates
* Performance optimization

💡 Key Benefits

  • Sales Optimization: Strategic product placement to maximize conversion
  • Time-Saving: Bulk sorting and quick reorganization tools
  • Flexible Organization: Sort by categories, tags, stock status, or price
  • Visual Merchandising: Create compelling product displays
  • Campaign Management: Easily organize promotional collections

🔍 Advanced Sorting Options

Category Management:
* Individual category sorting
* Custom product arrangements
* Color-based organization
* Price-based grouping
* Special collection creation

Tag Organization:
* Tag-based product sorting
* Custom tag combinations
* Special promotional groupings
* Seasonal collection management

Stock & Price Management:
* Smart stock status filtering
* Price-based organization
* Visibility control for out-of-stock items
* Dynamic inventory display

📺 Video Demo

🔗 Important Links

Fota wobrazowki

  • Category Management Interface
  • Multi-Select Sorting
  • Tag Organization System
  • Advanced Filtering Options


  1. Upload the plugin files to /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate through WordPress admin panel
  3. Configure settings under WooCommerce > Product Sorting


1. nowembra 2021
An excellent visual plugin that makes our work easier. They do their best to provide 24/7 support if you get the Pro version. Thanks.
1. decembra 2020
Visuality in product rankings is great. category and tag order, lots of features are nice. lite version gives 12 rights. I switched to the professional version.
19. nowembra 2020
It’s a really nice product. Hope you get some luck to sell a lot of copies, so we all benefit from your future updates and long-term survival. Highly recommended try it in the free version and see the simple functionality (however only about 12 products) upgrade and sort in all products and categories. I wish you all the best.
Čitajće 4 pohódnoćenja

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Protokol změnow


  • Performance optimizations
  • Enhanced compatibility with WooCommerce 6.0
  • UI/UX improvements


  • Initial release