

Tutón tykač je so dnja 5. měrca 2024 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Tute zawrjenje je na přeco.


21. oktobra 2023
Leave it to large companies to dump a plugin into the ecosystem, make a big marketing deal over it, and then abandon it. Happens all the time. But I wanted to give this one a shot anyway. Yup. It's dead. Where is that 0-Star button?
28. julija 2022
This plug-in was released but never received an update, so sadly it does not work anymore. You can search for pictures, but you can't scroll through them. Can only choose the first 3 results.
18. awgusta 2021
Since the latest update of Wordpress, this plug-in no longer appears to work properly: you can't scroll down the images following a search, which means you can only pick from the top half dozen results. It's an absolutely brilliant plug-in when it does work, but right now the functionality is limited.
1. apryla 2021
Thank you for your brilliant Photo Archive Source + CONGRATULATIONS on your deal with Getty Images! GOOD LUCK & STAY FREE 🙂
20. decembra 2020
Buggy JavaScript breaks editor and many plugins. .. Uncaught TypeError: this.activateMode is not a function
Čitajće 28 pohódnoćenjow

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