This plugin detects units of measurement (e.g. „10 lbs“) and will add the metric or non-metric equivalent (e.g. „4.5 kilograms“). The converted measurement can be added in several ways:
- as a mouse-over, or
- in brackets after the original measurement, e.g. „10 lbs (4.5 kilograms)“.
It is useful if you use lots of measurements and are writing for an international audience.
Currently Supported Conversions
- Celsius Fahrenheit
- Centimetres inches
- Grams ounces
- Kilograms pounds
- Kilometres miles
- Kilojoules (food) calories
- Litres gallons
- Metres feet
- Millilitres fluid ounces
Note that these non-metric units are in US customary units.
- Converted measurements will always be written in their canonical/long name, e.g. ‚kilograms‘ instead of ‚kg‘.
- Cannot handle quoted aliases (e.g. 5′ or 9″) or composite measurements, e.g. 5’9″.
To report any bugs please do so from the plugin homepage.
- An options page to configure various aspects of the plugin.
- Auto-detection for which measurement abbreviation to use for the converted unit (lbs -> kg, pounds -> kilograms).
- An option to use Imperial measurements as distinct from US customary units.
- Upload the
directory to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory, - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
- The mouseover method is the default. How do I use the parentheses?
As there is no options page (yet), you will need to edit the
file around line 31 and change:$display_mode = 'mouseover';
$display_mode = 'parentheses';
Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.
Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo
„Unit Converter“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.
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Protokol změnow
0.5.3 – 2014-05-23
- Bump version properly so WordPress picks it up.
- Tested up to WordPress 4.2.2.
0.5.2 – 2014-05-02
- Fixed compatibility with PHP 5.4+.
- Tested up to WordPress 4.2.1.
0.5.1 – 2009-12-19
- Tested up to WordPress 2.9.
0.5 – 2009-07-26
- Added Celsius Fahrenheit converter.
- Tested up to WordPress 2.8.2.
0.4 – 2009-06-12
- Added millilitre fluid ounce converter.
- Tested up to WordPress 2.8.
0.3 – 2009-03-24
- Fixed the kilojoule calorie converter (was using calories instead of food calories).
- Added grams ounces converter.
- Increased the precision of all conversions.
0.2 – 2009-03-22
- Added kilojoule calorie converter.
- Now require the match text to be case sensitive (e.g. 2L or 5kg only, not 2l or 5KG).
0.1 – 2009-03-19
- Initial version.