Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Toggle Admin Bar


Sometimes the admin bar is in the way. This toggles it out of view and back in when needed on click.

Notes :

  • Only works if admin bar is showing
  • Can customize arrow image that shows the admin bar by replacing arrow-slide.png in the plugin folder.

Fota wobrazowki

  • It’s just a button.


Use the Auto Installer.
Or Upload the zip and hit install.


None yet


Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.

Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo

„Toggle Admin Bar“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow

1.0.2 – Added persistent support on refresh,
– Removed white space from top when admin bar is hidden
1.0.1 – Updated style for 3.3 menu colors