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WooCommerce XML feed for Thunderstone


With this plugin you can create XML feed for Thunderstone.


When in Stock Availability

Dropdown option „When in Stock Availability“ with options will show for all in Stock products
„Available“, „1 to 3 days“, „4 to 7 days“, „7+ days“ as availability

If Product Attribute: Availability is used

Dropdown option „When in Stock Availability“ value „Product Attribute: Availability“ must be used

If Custom Availability plugin is used

Dropdown option „When in Stock Availability“ value „Custom Availability“ must be used

If a Product is out of Stock

Dropdown option „If a Product is out of Stock“ with options will
„Include as out of Stock or Upon Request“ or „Exclude from feed“

Add mpn/isbn to product

To add mpn/isbn to the product just fill in the SKU field of WooCommerce

Add color

To add the color to a product , in order to be printed on the XML feed add an attribute with Slug „color“ , Type „Select“ and Name of your choice

Add manufacturer

To add the manufacturer to a product , in order to be printed on the XML feed add an attribute with Slug „manufacturer“ , Type „Select“ and Name of your choice


Brands plugins are supported to be shown as manufacturer.

Add sizes

To add the size to a product, in order to be printed on the XML feed, add an attribute with Slug „size“, Type „Select“ and Name of your choice.
Then is created a variable product with this attribute.

If you have stock management enabled on variations, sizes with stock lower or equal to 0 will not be shown on the feed


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Protokol změnow

Version: 1.0.2

WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility.

Version: 1.0.0

Initial Release