Play Music on any WordPress site using the Audio Dock! Showcase an unlimited number of tracks, add your own custom titles, and choose any color for the bar and track. This plugin is perfect for any artist, or user, looking to set the right mood with music as their users browse through their site.
- Works on any WordPress theme
- Add unlimited number of audio tracks
- Add your own custom titles for each track
- Custom Bar & Track color
- Responsive across all resolutions
- Download the plugin as a zip file (do not extract the zip file). Go to WP-admin > Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin, upload the plugin zip to install & activate it.
- Go to Settings > Themify Audio Dock from the admin menu.
- Add audio tracks you want. Enjoy!
Please visit plugin’s installation guide page: https://themify.me/docs/audio-dock-plugin-documentation#installing
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Protokol změnow
The changelog is located at: https://themify.org/changelogs/themify-audio-dock.txt