Starter Sites & Templates by Neve


A cloud based templates library which enables you to create or use existing ready-made website with 1-click.

More than 100 Starter Sites and Templates available for the most popular page builders

Browse a wide selection of templates and starter sites that are designed to help you build beautiful websites with Gutenberg. All templates can be previewed on and you can seamlessly import them to any of your sites. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, our templates can help you save time and create stunning websites without any coding knowledge. These templates are perfect for creating basic pages such as contact pages, about pages, and blog pages.


Tutón tykač 1 blok skići.

  • Templates Cloud


Does it work with any WordPress theme?

Right now we are supporting only the Neve theme.

Which starter sites and templates are free and which are not?

You can check the full collection on

Can I import just one page from one starter site?

Yes, you can choose to import either one template or the entire starter site.


12. februara 2025 1 reply
We are a tiny Indie band and used the template for bands. Had to search through all the templates to find it, but it’s very specific and includes example text that you just replace yourself, and put your own links in. There are social media links and logos, a blog, a page about your latest music, you can add videos etc really easily, it all looks slick and simple. Had to just delete a few blocks and pages because they are not relevant to us, and voila! – an instant, professional-looking, customisable (it was easy to change the colours) website that is viewable on phones and tablets and desktop computers – it does all that shizzle automatically. And unbelievably it is free.
10. februara 2025 1 reply
This Theme has all you need to get you started, I was impressed! Thank you so much for this nice peace of work!
18. septembra 2024 1 reply
Decided to not use the theme, no visible way to get rid of Templates Cloud. Am I stuck with this forever? It’s like herpes…never goes away.
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Protokol změnow

Version 1.2.19 (2025-02-05)

  • Fix language pack loading
  • Fix onboarding layout overflow and responsiveness

See changelog for all versions.