Značka tykača: redirection
Simple Redirection for Contact Form 7
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Simple redirection addon for Contact Form 7, allows you to redirect to an existing page or a custom URL after form submission.
Post Date Change Redirection
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 5)Handles the changes in the permalink due to change in post date by providing 301 redirection
WPNeon GoCodes 2
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Based on the original GoCodes plugin, "WPNeon GoCodes 2" is a revamnped URL redirection/shortener plugin. Great for podcasting and redirecti …
Search Redirections
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 1)Create redirect rules for any given search terms. = Portuguese: Resumo = Crie regras de redirecionamento para quaisquer termos de busca.
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)EasyRedirect allows WordPress Users to easily redirect any WordPress page/post using one simple tag.
Device-Based Redirect
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 1)Redirect users to your app pages in app store or play store based on their device type with custom URLs and page-specific redirects.
BP Profile as Homepage
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 7)If you want FACEBOOK like functionality for your buddypress installation where Homepage for Vistiors is different than Logged in users, you should try …
WP Post Redirection – 301, 404 Redirects
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 1)WP Post Redirection – 301, 404 Redirects lets you quickly redirect pages, posts, custom types, and URLs to new locations for seamless navigation.
WP Avertere
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 1)Set up and manage an HTTP 301/302 Redirect from the URL of any post type to another URL, either on your site or externally.
Redirection Reporting
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Allows for daily reporting for redirected requests.
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 1)Allows the creation of redirections to internal pages and posts, and external addresses.
BP Profile as Homepage Fork
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 5)This plugin lets you have a normal site Homepage for visitors while logged-in users have their BP Profile as Homepage. This is similar to Facebook.
Knock on Wood Redirect
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 2)The Redirect plugin supports in the creation and management of redirects, to tie loose ends on your website.
genius 404
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 1)Automatically redirect to the content the user was most likely after, or show suggestions, instead of showing an unhelpful 404 error.
Redirect By Cookie
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Redirect user by cookie value = Plugin Description = Redirect user by cookie value : from htaccess or earliest WP-CONFIG hook, to avoid WP loading.
Simple 301 Article Redirect
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Make a simple 301 article redirection to an URL of your choice.
Redirect To WP
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 1)This will help you sync redirects while creating or updating your site posts or pages, This will sync to the redirection plugin or htaccess.
Primary Redirect
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 2)Redirects users to their primary blog's dashboard or special page.