Značka tykača: phone
Business Block Widget
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Create widgets to display business contact information.
Call From Web – Simple Click to Call Button for WordPress
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 2)😁 Get visitors to call you directly on the phone from WordPress for FREE. 💪 Generate more leads and increase conversion. 🚀
SAASPASS Two Factor Authentication – 2FA
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)SAASPASS provides the easiest way to secure your Wordpress with two-factor authentication (2FA) and enable passwordless security. MFA made amazing!
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)A WordPress plugin that allows you to embed a phone on your blog!
TeleFinity WebRTC to SIP Gateway
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Turns your website into a phone and let your abroad customers connect to your PBX /Call Center directly at zero-cost and without a telecom operator.
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)BreezeTact is a plugin meant to enhance user experience on mobile devices to get better conversions.
CDYNE Call Me Widget
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Easily add a 'Call Me' button to your website and create a call center with menus and number forwarding!
WordPress Click2Client
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Wordpress Click2Client adds in-browser phone call functionality to any wordpress site. Just configure the control and drop the tag in your theme.
WooCommerce Phone Field
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)WooCommerce doesn't provide any phone field by default to the shipping and billing address forms. This plugin adds the phone field to both the sh …
Local Number for WordPress
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Automagically show a phone number that is geo-located to be near each visitor – so they are more likely to call you!
Woocommerce Remove Customer Details From New Order Email
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Woocommerce Remove Customer Details From New Order Email removes customer email and/or phone from new order email.
SwissPhone Select for GravityForms
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)SwissPhone Select for GravityForms adds +41 (Switzerland) as a phone field option, making it easier for Swiss users to fill out forms on WordPress.
NK Sidebar Plugin
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 1)Here is a short description of the plugin. This should be no more than 150 characters. No markup here.
Contact Box
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Add a sticky contact box to your website with email, phone, and booking links. Easily configurable through the WordPress admin.
Precision Contact Web Chat
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Plugin controls appear in the Settings section. To activate the plugin you must enter the Web Chat key. The plugin creates this "Start a chat!&qu …