Značka tykača: JS
HTML class for diferent browsers
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Add a class in the HTML tag with the name of the client browser.
Autoptimize admin bar fix
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Fixes issue with Autoptimize plugin. This plugin will show your admin bar on frontend again.
PUZZLER is JS + CSS combine
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 4)Puzzler plugin – it smart simple and fast auto aggregator (combiner) CSS and JS scripts for Wordpress.
Include Custom Files
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Enables embedding of multiple stylesheets and javascript files on a per-post basis.
WP CSS, Javascript and HTML
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Custom CSS, Javascript and HTML on specific posts or page or you can do it in global.
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 1)Removes default version query strings from CSS/JS resources, appends the modified time to the filename, and creates the necessary .
Content Art Direction
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Allows custom styling and interaction for posts and pages
Easy Tags
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Easy Tags allows you to easily add code like Facebook Pixels, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Pinterest Verification Meta Info, Google Wemasters …
This page needs files
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 2)Allow to include urls to javascript and css files inside the HTML header on a page/post specifc basis.
HTML to Post
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)The HTML, CSS and JS file you choose will be inserted Your post or page.
Parstools Star Rating
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Add fancy star rating to any type of post and page with elegant themes
WP Fast Minify
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 2)Compress HTML Code, And Converting Inline Script and Style To JavaScript and CSS Compressed File.
Disqus Count JS Fix
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)This plugin fixes the 'split' error caused by Disqus Plugin. This Plugin was developed by Geektime's dev team for internal purposes onl …
HeadJS Loader
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 3)A WordPress plugin to load your Javascript files via Head JS.
JS Error Logger
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 1)Logs front-end javascript errors, and displays them in a dashboard widget