Značka tykača: google
WP Simple Adsense Insertion
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 19)Easy to use Wordpress plugin to insert Google Adsense to your posts, pages and sidebar.
Goolytics – Simple Google Analytics
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 8)A simple Google Analytics solution that works without slowing down your WordPress installation.
XML for Google Merchant Center
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 14)Creates a XML-feed to upload to for Google Merchant Center.
Ultimate Noindex Nofollow Tool II
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 8)Improves your blog's search engine optimization by "noindexing" pages you choose. Now also for page-based (as opposed to date-based) archives.
Really Simple Google Tag Manager (GTM)
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Easily Enables Google Tag Manager on all pages of any Website.
VS Meta Description
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 14)With this lightweight plugin you can add a meta description to your website.
Very Simple Google Maps
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 17)Contains a simple way to add an embedded Google Map to any page or post.
WordPress Ad Widget
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 16)Easily upload ad images and ad code to your sidebar. For those that don't need or want a complicated ad management system.
Open Graph Protocol Framework
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 14)The Open Graph Protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. This plugin renders meta tags within an extension framework.
ACF: Google Font Selector
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 6)A field for Advanced Custom Fields which allows users to select Google fonts with advanced options
Super Simple Google Analytics
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 10)Very simple plugin for reliably inserting your Google Analytics tracking code on every page.
Universal Google Adsense and Ads manager
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 5)Universal Google AdSense and Ads Manager is a flexible easy to use Google Adsense, custom ads & script manager WordPress plugin.
Sitelinks Search Box
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 5)Adds the JSON-LD schema.org markup for the "Google Sitelinks Search Box" on the homepage.
FV Simpler SEO
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 12)Simple and effective SEO. Non-invasive, elegant. Ideal for client facing projects.
XML Sitemaps
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 13)Automatically generates XML Sitemaps for your site and notifies search engines when they're updated.
Reviews Block for Google
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 44)Easily display Google business reviews on your WordPress website with a simple and intuitive block.
Multipart robots.txt editor
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 3)Customize your site's robots.txt and include remote content to it
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 6)ReCrawler is a small WordPress Plugin for quickly notifying search engines whenever their website content is created, updated, or deleted.
Embedder for Google Reviews
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 5)This Google Reviews Plugin pulls reviews from Google profiles and displays them on your website.
SEO Booster
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 53)Discover new keywords, create automatic internal links, monitor 404 errors, and track incoming links. Not your usual SEO plugin.