Značka tykača: evaluation
Calculate Values with Shortcodes
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 9)Allows you to display calculated values in your posts and pages. You can even use dynamic shortcodes as variables!
DX Template Manager
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 1)Create page templates like the ones in your theme folder but through a "DX Templates" menu in your Admin dashboard – HTML, JS, PHP supported …
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 1)Grader allows site administrators and editors to grade user posts.
Wp Easy Survey
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Manage survey for making evaluation on post types in wordpress / Gestion de formulaire pour réaliser des audit sur les post type dans Worpress
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Quizy enables you to create quizzes, tests with several common settings with evaluation
( Pohódnoćenja dohromady: 0)Plugin für die Implementation von Loopdesk auf einer Wordpress-Webseite