Connects your WordPress website with SYSSY for monitoring and security issue reporting. Requires account on https://www.syssy.net.
SYSSY is an online platform for managing and monitoring websites.
We provide plugins for connecting different CMS (content management systems) with SYSSY, so SYSSY receives data about your website and informs you if there are some problems or if you need to do any security updates in your system or on your server.
For connecting your WordPress website, just add your API key of your project from https://app.syssy.net and connect your website with SYSSY.
SYSSY calls your WordPress website via REST API and fetches your WordPress versions, a list of your installed plugins and their versions, PHP and MySQL version.
On SYSSY platform you can see a list with all your projects if there is any need for a security update in your websites.
Find more information on https://www.syssy.net.
Please find our general terms and conditions here: https://www.syssy.net/en/terms-and-conditions
Please find our terms of service here: https://www.syssy.net/en/terms-of-service
Install plugin via plugin manager.
Then you find in your settings „SYSSY“ settings.
Enter your API key and check if your website is connected to API on https://app.syssy.net
Is the plugin and the data transfer to app.syssy.net secure?
SYSSY uses JWT for encryption and decryption of your data and we allow the API calls only via HTTPS, so communication is encrypted too.
I have a feature request, what should i do?
All feature requests are welcome. Please send us an email to feedback@syssy.net.
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Protokol změnow
1.0.23 – 03 January 2025
- Add Support for 6.7.1
1.0.22 – 07 January 2024
- Add Support for 6.4.2
- Update tags
1.0.21 – 03 September 2023
- Add Support for 6.3.1
- Bugfix
1.0.20 – 26 June 2023
- Add „hostname“ for project information
- Bugfix