Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Simple Page Embed


This Plugin embeds the facebook iframe to your website, and makes it responsive to the page width.
The plugin adds some custom css and javascript to force the iframe to scale larger and fit desktops.
You can embed as many facebook pages as you want with shortcodes.

Fota wobrazowki

  • mobile view of embed (on windows)
  • desktop view of embed


  1. Upload plugin to the /wp-content/plugins
  2. Activate the plugin through the „Plugins“ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to this plugins Settings and Check „Plugin Enabled“ To Enable the plugin
  4. Edit any other settings to your preference
  5. Click Save and Enjoy


Does this use the facebook iframe?

this does use the facebook iframe, but it also has some added css and javascript to force the facebook window to expand on a desktop view


Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu.

Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo

„Simple Page Embed“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow


iframe stretch style no longer expands page more than it should


First Version