SuperLinks replaces the standard WordPress 2.5 Links widget with a more customizable one. With
SuperLinks you can add as many Links widgets as you want, and set the display options for each
widget. For instance, you can set which Links category is displayed on each block.
SuperLinks was inspired by the LinkBlock plugin, which provided a very similar service. However,
LinkBlock development stopped before WordPress 2.5, so SuperLinks was created to fill the void.
Development of SuperLinks was greatly aided by reading the source of some existing plugins. They
* Lorna Timbah’s „Top Commentators Widget“ (http://webgrrrl.net/archives/my-top-commentators-widget-quick-dirty.htm)
* The original LinkBlock widget (LinkBlock: http://www.optera.net/projects/wordpress/linkblock/)
* The stock WordPress widgets found in widgets.php
Thanks to the developers of those plugins for the help their code provided!
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
Follow these simple steps:
1. Remove all existing Links sidebar widgets (see FAQ for why)
1. Upload superlinks.php
to the /wp-content/plugins/
1. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
1. Go to your widgets administration and add and cofigure SuperLinks widgets
- What happened to the standard Links widget?
When SuperLinks registers itself, it unregisters the Links widget that comes installed with
WordPress by default. Don’t worry though — anything you could have done with the standard
Links widget can be done with SuperLinks.
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