

Tutón tykač je so dnja 27. junija 2023 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Přičina: Wěstotny problem.


29. awgusta 2022
This is exactly what I was looking for in order to be able to send personalized publications to subscribers which other plugins do not do and simple to configure. Not to mention responsive support Thanks to the Developers
15. junija 2022 1 reply
I wanted to allow readers to subscribe to what they were interested in and this was the plugin I needed. It's simple and straightforward and works. The maintainer is also very helpful and responsive. The one feature I'm waiting for is to be able to have the author's name in the email.
23. apryla 2022 1 reply
This has wasted me a lot of time. The widget does not work. It does appear on the sidebar, but attributes simply do not work. I tried many variations and read the instructions, and was very sure I did the way as instructed. But no, it does not work. Something does happen based on the attributes entered, but completely unpredictable and unreliable.
13. julija 2021
No nonsense plugin without unnecessary marketing features. Simple and with good documentation, if you bother to read through it carefully (which I didn't but that's on me). Active and helpful developer with great support. Even got in a call with me to help, far beyond anything you can demand. Getting a placeholder for the updated category without "Term:" and "found." would be great but that's too small an issue to complain about.
6. meje 2021
This plugin does exactly what it should and it comes with amazing support. Some other review says: "Do one thing and do it well" I totally agree.
Čitajće 31 pohódnoćenjow

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