

Tutón tykač je so dnja 7. měrca 2024 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Tute zawrjenje je nachwilne, čaka so na dospołne přepruwowanje.


25. oktobra 2018
It seems an interesting plugin though I don't know how useful could be since just by pasting the link of the item from sketchfab site, it already displays in the wordpress pages and posts.. If the plug in had more settings on size of the embed, styling etc etc then I guess it would be great .. (and hope is perfectly integrated to gutenberg interface etc.. ) Thanks for the plug in as sharing and visualizing 3D files are the definitely the future of many things to come !
6. junija 2018
Works great (felt compelled to add this review because the other person leaving the one-star review didn't seem able to be able to even know where to put a shortcode--not the developer's fault; that's ignorance on his own behalf). The only thing I would recommend is having the ability to change the dimensions of the embed without having to use custom CSS, but it's no biggie. Thanks.
14. měrca 2018
Installed the PlugIn, does not see anything. Description says something about an editor but not where to put the link exactly. > do not have time for this > uninstalled.
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