Simple Page Redirect


Redirect any post/page/custom post type/portfolio, to any internal or external url. This plugin adds an text option to single pages of all default and custom post types.

After activation: On the edit screen of the post, look out for a new option box for redirects.

Checkout the support tab for questions or suggestions, and the reviews tab if you’d like to leave a review 🙂


Upload Simple Page Redirect to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Edit any page and add destination URL to the text option metabox on the top right.

For removing a redirect, simply blank out the field.


22. julija 2019 1 reply
I was searching for such a sweet and simple plugin to redirect my page to target url. This plugin is awesome for this purpose. There's no tricky step to go for. Thanks to the developer.
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