Simple Maintenance


Simple Maintenance plugin can be easily installed to show a maintenance mode page. It allows you to maintain your site on the back end by displaying a temporary maintenance page on the front end.

The plugin does not require any additional configuration or setup. All you need to do is activate it and maintenance mode will be automatically enabled. It is very lightweight yet powerful. It uses the HTML5 layout which makes the maintenance mode page viewable from a mobile device.


  • Clean HTML and CSS layout
  • Responsive maintenance mode page
  • No customizations required
  • Easier to manage as the maintenance mode can be turned on by activating the plugin
  • Notify the search engine crawler that the site is down for a limited period of time

For more information please check the WordPress Maintenance Mode Plugin documentation page

Fota wobrazowki

  • Maintenance Mode Page


  1. Go to the Add New plugins screen in your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Click the upload tab
  3. Browse for the plugin file ( on your computer
  4. Click „Install Now“ and then hit the activate button


Can this plugin be used to display a simple maintenance mode page?



25. nowembra 2024
Just what I have been looking for. Simple, does the job.
3. nowembra 2023
I spent an hour looking for an easy way to put a new project in maintenance mode. Seems like Wordpress should have that built in. Simple Maintenance was the answer for what I was looking for. Took two minutes to install and active. Easy!
26. měrca 2019
A simple maintenance page plugin with no b/s or pestering to upgrade to pro [why would you need to do that]. Thanks
5. nowembra 2018
You don’t need any fancy-heavy maintenance page plugin when you can use this simple and ultra light plugin. It is also easy to customize if you want, but the default is more than enough. Great and free plugin. No ads.
9. oktobra 2018
Really simple and to the point. Exactly what I was looking for. I just had to modify the message and the styles a bit.
Čitajće 11 pohódnoćenjow

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Protokol změnow


  • WordPress 6.3 compatibility update.


  • Added translation option
  • Simple Maintenance is now compatible with WordPress 4.4


  • Simple Maintenance is now compatible with WordPress 4.3


  • First commit