This plugin is designed to collect names and email addresses primarily for
users and organizations that use a third party to send email on their
behalf. Sign up validation is done using a captcha by securimage.
A down-loadable csv file can be retrieved from the plugin admin page which
can then be sent to the third party email service.
Fota wobrazowki
Create a form page. Just put __gs_mail_prog__
in the page.Actual page as it will appear just after creation. The two new administration pages in Settings. G&S Header Management page. Custom text added to the form. Modified form that now includes custom text. G&S Email Management page. Clickable download link on top.
- Go to Manage Plugins, Install, Upload, Browse for the gs-email.zip file, Install.
- — Or, If you have access to the server files.Upload gs-email.zip to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Unzip gs-email.zip.
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Place
on a page you create. Don’t include quotes. - Under Settings „G&S Header Management“, place the text you wish to appear
on top of the form. - To retrieve the list of email sign ups, go to Settings, „G&S Email Management“.
- Any questions, please contact us at: webworks@gsconsulting2010.com
- If you need alterations, additions and other code snippets to improve your website.
Please send us an email.
- What do I have to do to get this thing to work?
You must follow steps 1 through 3 in the installation section and then:
In the Admin section create a new blank page.
On the newly created page write"__gs_mail_prog__"
(Copy and paste it from here if you like. Don’t include the quotes.)
Don’t put anything else on this page. - Suppose I want my important message/explanation/text on the email form page?
No problem. Once you have activated the plugin there will be a
new item in your admin section down in ‚Settings‘. Click on
G&S Header Mangement. Type your text there and it will appear on top
of the form. - How do I see who signed up and get my CSV file?
Click Settings in the Admin section. Click „G&S Email Management“.
You will see a list of the last 50 signups. You will also see a link
„Export list as a CSV file“ that you can click to download the list
of all signups. - Can I send the emails myself?
Not at present. If there is sufficient interest we will add this
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Protokol změnow
- Release