Simple Catalog for WooCommerce turns your WooCommerce store into a simple online catalog site.
WooCommerce is a fantastic eCommerce plugin, but sometimes you might only want to showcase your products rather than sell them. This plugin allows you to use the power of WooCommerce to manage all your products whilst hiding the eCommerce functionality like the Add to Cart Buttons, Prices, Ratings and the Cart & Checkout pages from your customers.
Later on, when you decide you’re ready to sell your products online, simply disable this plugin and all your WooCommerce functionality will return.
Simple Catalog for WooCommerce allows you to:
Hide the Add to Cart button
Hide the Product Price
Display a message to your customers when hiding the Product Price along with adding a link to one of your pages
Hide the Product Ratings
Hide the Product Reviews tab
Hide the Cart page
Hide the Checkout page
You’re able to hide the above WooCommerce features from all users or just hide them from users who haven’t logged in.
For use with WooCommerce 2.6 and above.
Fota wobrazowki
Simple Catalog for WooCommerce settings Product Price hidden on Shop page and optional text displayed Product Price hidden on Single Product page and optional text displayed Product Price & Ratings hidden on Shop page Product Price, Ratings & Reviews hidden on Single Product page Simple Catalog for WooCommerce settings
- Upload the ‚simple-catalog-for-woocommerce‘ folder to your ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Go to the ‚Settings > WC Breadcrumbs‘ menu to update the plugin settings
What version of WooCommerce does this work for?
This plugin has been tested with WooCommerce 2.6+.
How do I get my eCommerce functionality back?
That’s easy! Simply deactivate this plugin and all your WooCommerce functionality will be returned.
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Protokol změnow
- Declare compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS
- Fixed Text Domain to match plugin slug so that translation Language Packs work correctly
- Added missing translations on dropdown option strings
- Updated WC Tested tags
- Updated hook calls so that variation dropdowns still display on Variable products
- Added ability for Price Text Replacement text to link to a page
- Added WC Tested tags to plugin header for compatibility check
- Updated version number as the .org directory doesn’t currently update the Last Updated date by simply updating the Tested up to value
- Added ability to hide the Product Reviews tab
- Initial version. Yay!