Add a Simple Calendar field to Advanced Customs Fields (ACF).
The field will print the corresponding calendar chosen among those available using ACF. You can use then Advanced Custom Field template functions to print the corresponding field in your templates, such as the_field( 'your_simple_calendar_field' );
To use this add-on you need both Simple Calendar and Advanced Custom Fields installed and activated. It is compatible with both ACF 4 and 5 or ACF Pro and requires Simple Calendar 3.0 or higher.
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Protokol změnow
- Tweak: Translations moved from .po/.mo files to official wordpress.org translation packs.
1.0.1 – January 21, 2018
- Update: Modify contributors.
- Fix: JS localization issue causing JS console error in admin.
1.0.0 – November 11, 2015
- Initial release.