Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Simpact for Woocommerce



Simpact provides a simple checkbox in webshop checkouts that allows shoppers to make a small donation. Connect your webshop to a charity and take part in e-commerce fundraising.

Simpact brings customers, webshops and charity projects together to help them give back to our world. We offer a simple solution to webshops, which enables them to give their clients the option to donate to charity projects, directly related to their consumption.
Customers can choose to add a positive impact to their purchase or to reduce their negative impact/pollution, depending on the product.

Fota wobrazowki

  • Example of Simpact Settings in the dashboard.
  • Example of supporting the PlasicSoupFoundation a checkout.
  • Example of supporting Weforest a checkout.



Here you will find the instructions to start with ecommerce fundraising on your website. Follow these three simple steps below to make Simpact work on your website.

  1. Register with us by contacting us through our website www.simpact.co. And we will grant you access by providing you with a password (API-Key).
  2. Now fill in your API-key. Go to Dashboard -> Simpact -> Configurator -> Select Simpact -> Fill in API-key.
  3. To test if the plugin is setup correctly, you should make one small (test) donation, this can be as little as 1 cent. You have 24 hours to send us a donation, otherwise your api-key will become invalid. You can contact us to help you make a test donation! (If you have a Paypal Gateway, use paypal for the test donation.)

You are done! Simpact will now appear on your checkout page. Thank you for following these steps and enjoy the plugin.
If you want you can customize the widget under the customize tab.

Take into account that the plugin does not work with cheque-, BACS- and COD-gateway. And with any gateways that defaults to “on hold” or “pending payment” instead of “processing”.

Need help?

Please contact us through our website: https://simpact.co

Or email us at: info@simpact.co

We can help you!


16. meje 2019
This lightweight plugin was an easy way to give my customers an extra option to donate money for a good cause whilst being lightweight enough to not be bothersome in the overal shopping experience. The devs were also very helpful in setting up everything, customers were able to donate quickly.
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„Simpact for Woocommerce“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow


Initial release.


CSS changes to support more wordpress themes.


Now supporting even more themes.


Now Compatible with Bank Transfer payment method and some small layout changes.


Improved look and added security.