Sidebar Content Clone


Sidebar Content Clone is good handy and free solution for clone all widgets from one sidebar to another sidebar by one click.

You have to select source sidebar and destination sidebar that you want to clone and then click „Clone Widgets“ button.

Sidebar Content Clone Plugin Features

  1. Clone All Widgets from one sidebar to another sidebar
  2. Translation Ready
  3. Cross Browsers Support ( Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc. )

Technical Support

We are ready for any support issues and feature suggestions. Please contact us on support forum

Fota wobrazowki

  • Sidebar Content Clone – Admin Interface


  1. Upload the file Via WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New,
  2. Alternately, upload sidebar-content-clone folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory via FTP,
  3. Activate the Sidebar Content Clone plugin from Admin > Plugins.


Is Sidebar Content Clone provide clone all widgets from one sidebar to another sidebar?

Yes, Sidebar Content Clone provides clone all widgets from one sidebar to another sidebar with it’s all settings.

Where can I get support or talk for sidebar content clone issues?

You may ask for help for Sidebar Content Clone plugin Support Forum or can create a ticket at our Support Portal.


20. oktobra 2018 1 reply
I am using a mixture of Genesis and Elementor and when I tried to clone the front page bar it only cloned a small proportion of what needed to be copied.. not everything got cloned. It probably works great with normal themes. In my case I think it’s probably easier to copy and paste. However its a great idea.
1. měrca 2018
Tried to duplicate sidebar with 8 components (7 html + 1 text) and the most it duplicated was 3 of those items. Not sure if it ever worked properly or needs updating, but using this and repairing what it hadn’t done required me to do more work than creating a sidebar from scratch.
Čitajće 4 pohódnoćenja

Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo

„Sidebar Content Clone“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow


Release date: March 5th, 2017

  • Enhancement: Translation ready