YoutubeSubscriberCount Plugin/Widget for WordPress
A customizable widget that allows admins to add a Youtube Button to their WordPress site. Enables admin to indicate Channel, Layout and Count visibility.
Getting Started
Download the plugin and extract it inside the wp-content/plugins folder of your WordPress site.
Indicate a valid Channel ID on Widget options.
Invalid Channel ID will cause the plugin to display Error. Get ID from here(https://www.youtube.com/account_advanced)
Here’s the step by step instructions on how to install the plugin.
First, download a copy of the plugin from WordPress plugin directory, Bitbucket or our official website (https://pinoyitsolution.com/portfolio/wordpress-youtube-subscriber-count-plugin/).
Second, extract files on wp-content/plugins folder.
Third, go to your WordPress Admin Plugins Page, find and activate „YT Sub Counter“
Fourth, go to WordPress Admin Widgets Page, Look for Youtube Subscribers add to a widget area as desired.
Fifth, edit widget and change widget settings and save.
- Ronknight
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
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Protokol změnow
Project maintained on github at ronknight/show-youtube-subscribers-count.
Add theme options dark and defaults
correct error when using a non custom youtube URL