

Tutón tykač je so dnja 15. januara 2020 zawrěł a njeje za sćehnjenje k dispoziciji. Tute zawrjenje je na přeco. Přičina: Naprašowanje awtora.


Tutón tykač 3 bloki skići.

  • Secure Block
  • Unsecure
  • Inner


3. februara 2019
Works without a problem. I searched for a plugin for Gutenberg Blocks that would hide or show content depending on user roles. And this is exactly what I can do with "Secure blocks for Gutenberg". And it is for free! Thanks
25. decembra 2018 2 replies
The idea is awesome and I needed something like that to forbid access to some parts of my content to my readers, but sadly, it doesn't work (for wordpress 5.0+, with the new editor replacing the old one). Not even for me as the main administrator, it shows nothing at all :(. Guess I'll have to find something else or go without in the meantime.
21. awgusta 2018
This plug-in allows you to easily hide only parts of a webpage from certain users. It's a simple and elegant solution – and it demonstrates the power of the block concept introduced by the Gutenberg editor.
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