Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

RJ Quickcharts


Build Complex, Powerful HTML5 Charts in Just Minutes.

RJ Quick Charts is the only WordPress plugin available that allows users to easily enter data that is immediately built out into a chart below as they type. Quick Charts uses all native WordPress UI so it feels right at home without adding any excessive bloat to your site.

Build and publish your chart in minutes by:

  1. Selecting a chart type (Line Chart, Bar Chart or Pie Chart)
  2. Choosing a few options
  3. Add your data!

The chart will be dynamically built out and updated as you type. Once you’re done, just save it and add it to any Post, Page or Custom Post Type by going to Add Media -> Insert Quick Chart.


  • Create bar, pie and line charts with simple Intuitive UI
  • Charts are HTML, CSS and JavaScript so they will work on any modern mobile device
  • Charts will resize dynamically with responsive themes
  • Enter your data directly into the Excel-like table without having to know options or long short code sequences to build your chart
  • Style the charts with custom colors of your choice
  • Custom chart height
  • Add a chart legend
  • Embed your charts by using the built-in WordPress „Add Media“ button on any Post, Page or Custom Post Type
  • Utilizes built-in WordPress core functionality
  • Custom chart title and Y Axis title
  • Tooltips hover on chart data with custom suffix
  • Working preview of chart as you build it
  • Take screenshots of your chart and save as .png to use in presentations or slideshows!


RJ Quickcharts is licensed under the GPLv3 license.

Like This Plugin?

Make sure to leave a 5 star review! If you have any issues, make sure to get in touch : randyjensen.com

Fota wobrazowki

  • Dynamic edit screen that updates as you type
  • Line Chart
  • Bar Chart


  1. Install RJ Quickcharts either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server
  2. After activating RJ Quickcharts, you can create your first chart by clicking the item in the main left hand menu.
  3. Once you’ve created a chart, you can go in to any Post or Page and click the Add Media button. You should see an Insert Highchart link on the left.
  4. Done!


Floating Point Numbers Not Being Saved
  • Try deleting the plugin and re-installing it. Your chart data will not be deleted.
In the Works
  • Localization
  • Ability to disable X and Y axis labels
  • Allow bar chart to run horizontally
Feature Requests?

Get in touch with me: randyjensen.com


19. decembra 2016
Fantastic backend, user-defined colours are possible. excel-like chart ot insert data, useful for a bigger range of data. thank you for your work!
1. decembra 2016
I like this features: 1. Charts will resize dynamically with responsive themes 2. Enter your data directly into the Excel-like table 3. And another thing that is not written in the plugin home page: you can hide data series by clicking on the legend! Awesome.
3. septembra 2016
This plug-in does not offer all the bells and whistles other chart plug-ins do (especially when it comes to the selection of chart types), but its easy to understand and creates nice results. The realtime preview in the backend while entering data in a table is especially helpful. Best plug-in for beginners, but covers a lot of use cases.
Čitajće 22 pohódnoćenjow

Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo

„RJ Quickcharts“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


Protokol změnow


  • Bug fixes


  • Updated CSS for custom icon with WordPress 3.8


  • Updated <? tags to include <?php and work on more server configurations


  • You can now take screenshots of your chart right from the admin screen. Drag the chart area handle to change the width of your chart for the screenshot and just click ‚Screenshot Chart‘. Easy!


  • Bug fix with shortcode adding p tags because of wpautop
  • Bug fix with chart title’s bottom margin being too much when legends are turned off


  • Bug fix in the way the legends and tooltips are handled


  • Updated readme with feature list


  • Charts now resize automatically when window is resized if theme is reponsive
  • More styling fixes to work with more themes


  • Fixed bug where decimals were getting lost


  • Fixed bug where Tooltip Suffix was getting overwritten when multiple charts were on a single page


  • Ability to set custom colors for bar charts, line charts and pie charts


  • Ability to set the chart height


  • Only Admins and Editors can edit charts now


  • Pie chart support added
  • Bug fixed with pie chart data


  • Fixed more references to wrong folder


  • Fixed menu links issue


  • Initial release