Tutón tykač njeje so z najnowšimi 3 hłownymi wersijemi WordPress testował. Snano so hižo njewothladuje abo njepodpěruje a ma problemy z kompatibelnosću, hdyž so z nowšimi wersijemi WordPress wužiwa.

Resizable Editor Sidebar


An intuitive solution to make the default WordPress Gutenberg sidebar resizable.

Key points

  • Functions straight out of the box
  • An easy to use drag and drop interface
  • Preferences are saved directly to your machine so your editors can work along side you with their own preference.


PHP 5.6 or greater is recommended before installation

  1. Navigate to the plugins menu.
  2. Search for ‚Resizable Editor Sidebar‘
  3. Click ‚Install Now‘ followed by ‚Activate‘
  4. You’ll now be able to drag the sidebar to a width that is suitable for yourself.


27. julija 2023 1 reply
OMG. How could Gutenberg have been released, ever, without this simple, little feature?! WordPress should pay millions to integrate this plugin in the next release! Seriously. Took me years to understand the "logic" of how to move Gutenberg metaboxes from below the content to the right, into the sidebar. And back. Together with this little plugin, the Resizable Editor Sidebar, this semi-ugly UX of Gutenberg begins to shine. Finally. Thank you ever so much for all the efforts! As of today, only 900 downloads. Unbelievable. Should easily grow to 9.000, 90.000, 900.000, 9.000.000. Let's spread the word!
15. nowembra 2022
I have ACF fields in the sidebar and a wider bar accommodates them much better, thanks 🙂 I'm OK with the ad when you resize, but have you thought about an add free paid version?
30. oktobra 2021
Awesome plugin, no need to setup anything, just activate and go. Also saves your last resize so you do not need to set it up every time you refresh the page
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