WordPress Affiliate Plugin. The most powerful affiliates plugin to start Affiliate Marketing Program and spread your business.
Create an elegant, full-featured affiliate marketing program for WordPress. Boost your sales by running growth marketing and the fastest way to start your own affiliate program to increase sales and explode your profits.
RefPress affiliate plugin turns your WordPress website into an affiliate platform and keeps your data on your own server.
- Report – advanced overview
- Partner Accounts – at a glance performance of each affiliate partner.
- Commissions list in admin side
- Payout
- PayPal
- Payoneer
- Bank/Wire Transfer
- E-Check
- Payout History
- Traffics list / visits via affiliate link.
- Payout locking for x-days
- RefPress dashboard for affiliated users
- Custom Cookie validity
- Recurring purchase affiliate commission
- Commission with excluding/including tax
- Custom Charges cut from the commission
- Affiliate Link Generator
- WooCommerce
- Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘RefPress’ screen in WordPress
Is this RefPress plugin Free?
Yes, RefPress affiliate light version is completely free to use which available at the WordPress plugins repository, To make the affiliate even more powerful, it has a pro version and you might interested purchase.
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Protokol změnow
1.0.0 – May 12, 2021
- Initial Released.